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AAPM&R Advocates on Need for Prior Authorization Reform in Response to CMS RFI on Medicare Advantage

Jun 14, 2024

AAPM&R submitted a response on May 28 to a Request for Information (RFI) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to data policies under the Medicare Advantage (MA) program. AAPM&R’s comments largely focused on the need for CMS to collect more data related to prior authorization barriers currently impacting PM&R physicians and patients attempting to access rehabilitation care under the MA program.

AAPM&R also cosigned responses to this RFI from the Regulatory Relief Coalition and the Coalition to Preserve Rehabilitation. AAPM&R is a member of both coalitions and works with them to reduce regulatory burdens on physicians and improve access to rehabilitation care for patients.  

If you have any questions or comments on these comments or the need to reform the prior authorization process, please contact the AAPM&R Health Policy team at