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Alabama PT Direct Access Bill Defeated in Committee

Apr 22, 2019

Thanks to physician advocacy efforts, Alabama Senate Bill 25—legislation granting patients direct access to physical therapists—was defeated in committee on April 16, 2019, by a vote of 2-8. AAPM&R opposed Senate Bill 25 and House Bill 50, as they would remove the need for a medical diagnosis before PT is administered, which could be dangerous and costly to patients.

On March 8, 2019, the AAPM&R State Advocacy Subcommittee (SAS) committee sent letters to the Alabama (AL) Senate Health Committee and House Insurance Committee in opposition to SB 25 and HB 50. AAPM&R also collaborated with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama to send an advocacy alert to members in AL asking that they also send a grassroots message voicing concern for the bill.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of those who took the time to participate in the advocacy campaign and contact their legislator.