Current Advocacy Priorities



Dedicated members, volunteers and Academy staff strive to advance the specialty and its important contributions to the health, function, and quality of life for patients around the country, before Congress and federal agencies, as well as other entities directly impacting the work of physiatrists and their patients.

Below, you will find our current advocacy priorities. These priorities adjust as the health care landscape continues to evolve and new challenges emerge. AAPM&R greatly relies on member input to drive its prioritization of efforts! Explore the links to see how your Academy is advocating in each area and why it matters.

Questions or comments on these priorities? Email us at

AAPM&R Advocacy Wins

As the organization that advocates on behalf of PM&R physicians and their patients, AAPM&R is positioning PM&R physicians as essential leaders early and across the healthcare continuum, defending against threats to PM&R practices and providing members with a powerful voice and opportunities to advocate for the specialty. Check out our many advocacy-related “winsfor our member physiatrists.

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AAPM&R is Defending the Role of Physiatrists Against Encroachment from Non-PM&R Physicians and Non-Physicians

In partnership with the American Medical Association, AAPM&R released a new resource aimed at empowering patients to ask questions about the qualifications of the person who is providing their healthcare – the "Ask for a Physician" Patient Card. The card includes a QR code that will direct patients to a webpage, which provides a high-level overview of the difference in education and training of physicians and non-physicians. As PM&R physicians, you are encouraged to distribute the cards to your patients.

2024 Advocacy Accomplishments

With your support this year, we submitted more than 1,300 letters to congress, sent more than 40 comment letters to federal and local regulatory agencies, and enlisted more than 30 volunteers to serve on national and clinical workgroups. View our recap here!