2024 AAPM&R Annual Assembly
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA, November 6-10, 2024 (Pre-conference courses starting Tuesday, November 12)
Faculty Preparation Checklist
Due Now
Accept Your Speaker Invite
All Annual Assembly faculty have received a personalized email with a link to their invitation. This email contains instructions to log into our content management system, Conference Harvester, and accept their invitation.
If a potential faculty member has not yet done so, please login to accept/or decline their invitation. Invitations must be completed prior to completing necessary faculty tasks. If you have any questions regarding your invitation, please contact assembly@aapmr.org.
Due Now
Complete Your Financial Disclosure Form and Speaker Agreement
All Annual Assembly faculty are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest to the Academy. Failure to do so may jeopardize your position as faculty.
Should any of your financial disclosures present a conflict of interest; your presentation will need to be reviewed for compliance. Faculty with a potential conflict of interest will be notified with further instructions.
Hotel and Flight Reservations Information
- All faculty are responsible for making their own hotel reservations with AAPM&R hotels. Non-member/non-physiatrist faculty will be reimbursed after the assembly. Please visit the Annual Assembly Housing and Travel contact information page.
October 24, 2024
PowerPoint Presentations Due For Review - To meet CME requirements, AAPM&R requires that all presentations are peer reviewed prior to the activity.
- All presentations are due to be uploaded to the onsite presentation manager.
- Make your presentation as interactive as possible.
- Annual Assembly faculty are strongly encouraged to use the AA24-Powerpoint for their presentation.
- It is required to add a disclosure slide in the beginning and summary of citations and evidence at the end of your presentation. Please see below for additional information and examples.
- Printed handouts will not be available. All presentations will be available digitally through the AA Mobile App.
- The presentation should conclude with 3-5 take-home lessons.
- All discussion of products or devices must be balanced and evidence-based.
- Including references and sources is helpful; please include them when possible.
October 14, 2024
Electronic Poster Submission Deadline
All e-Poster submissions must be uploaded to the Annual Assembly Conference Harvester for review. Details about submission will be sent in September to all presenting authors. Please review the Electronic Poster Guidelines and content suggestions below.
December 6, 2024
Guest Speaker Reimbursement Deadline
Expense vouchers will be emailed the week following the Annual Assembly. They are due to AAPM&R office.
Contact us at assembly@aapmr.org or (847) 737-6000.
Faculty Reimbursement and Honoraria
The AAPM&R Board of Governors approved that Academy members and non-member physiatrists will not receive financial reimbursement and honoraria for presentations at the Annual Assembly. It is assumed that it is in the interest of physiatrists to attend the Annual Assembly whether or not they are presenting at a session. It is also inherent in a member-driven organization that members contribute to its initiatives without the expectation of reimbursement. For these reasons, the Academy will not offer honoraria nor waive registration fees for members presenting at a session/skills lab during the Annual Assembly.
Specific speaker honoraria and reimbursement information will be sent directly to faculty. Please see the AAPM&R Honoraria and Reimbursement Policy for more information.
Conference Registration
Members and all Non-Member Physiatrists
All member and non-member physiatrists must register on their own for the Annual Assembly. If you would like to purchase tickets for any ticketed workshops or events, you may purchase these items as you register. Please visit Annual Assembly Registration.
Approved non-member/non-physiatrists who are ineligible to be members of the Academy will have received specific information regarding this. If you have any questions, please email assembly@aapmr.org.
AAPM&R CME Committee Guidelines for Conflict of Interest
As a sponsor accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), AAPM&R must ensure balance, independence and scientific rigor in all of its sponsored educational activities. Anyone in a position to control the content of an activity (i.e. all participating planners and faculty) must disclose all financial relationships (of any amount) from the past 24 months, with any ineligible company* to AAPM&R. Financial relationships can include such things as grants or research support, employment, consultant, stockholder, speakers’ bureau, etc.
*Ineligible Companies are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Please see the AAPMR COI Disclosure and Resolution Policy APPROVED 2021 for more information.
Individuals who do not disclose their relevant financial relationship(s) will be prohibited from participation in the planning of a CME activity.
All faculty involved in sessions MUST include one of the attached Disclosure Slide templates as the 1st or 2nd slide in your presentation to disclose any relevant financial relationship(s) verbally to the audience.
Use this template when you have a relationship(s) to disclose.
(i.e. Dr. John Doe is on the Speakers’ bureau for ABC Company. OR Dr. John Doe is the recipient of a research grant from XYZ Organization.)

Use this template when you have no relevant relationship(s) to disclose.

Faculty PowerPoint Presentations
Please refer to the guidelines and instructions below as you build your PowerPoint presentation. All faculty must upload their PowerPoint presentation for review to the Annual Assembly Conference Harvester by October 24, 2024.
Speaker Ready Room
AAPM&R utilizes a networked presentation management system for all track sessions, powered by On Services, AAPM&R’s audio/visual company. All session faculty should make adjustments to their presentations, and check their slides. Please be sure to check into the Speaker Ready Room at least three hours prior to your session.
The Speaker Ready Room hours of operation are:
Wednesday, November 6 – 1:00 pm–6:30 pm (PT)
Thursday, November 7 – 7:00 am–5:00 pm (PT)
Friday, November 8 – 7:00 am–4:30 pm (PT)
Saturday, November 9 – 7:00 am–3:00 pm (PT)
PowerPoint Presentation Template
All presenters are encouraged to use the AA24-Powerpoint which is already formatted to 16.9 resolution for best quality.
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Request for All Annual Assembly Research Presentations
The Requirement
- All research session/course presenters are required to disclose levels of evidence for any cited references integral to their talk (see template below).
Purpose of the Requirement
The intent behind this request is to elevate the educational value of all research presentations and promote the understanding of Evidence-Based Medicine principles.
EBM Background
What is Evidence-Based Medicine? Sackett defines it as the “conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.” At its core, it is about finding the best available evidence and using that evidence to inform clinical decision making. This can be accomplished by using a hierarchical system to classify evidence - which is known as the levels of evidence (LOE).
Preferred LOE table of AAPM&R Evidence Committee
The Evidence Committee has selected the AAOS JBJS’s 2003 Levels of Evidence Table as their preferred table. This tool has been utilized by the Evidence Committee since 2012 to help standardize the Academy’s protocol for review of evidence and establish levels of evidence for all Academy work products. Click here to access the Academy’s LOE table.
Citations and Additional Resources
- Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. 1996. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ 1996;312:71
- Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Guidelines for Electronic Poster Presentations
In order to increase exposure to research, the Research Hub will be open in the PM&R Pavilion. All accepted posters will be electronically displayed Thursday – Saturday while the PM&R Pavilion is open.
These sessions will allow attendees to discuss one-on-one with presenting authors about the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of each specific study.
There will still be the lunch time presentations, which will allow attendees to hear the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of each specific study from presenting authors. Please check the mobile scheduler to determine the specific times of each presentation. Research will be presented at the following times –
Thursday, November 7 – 11am - 2:30 pm; 5 - 6:30 pm (PT)
Friday, November 8 – 8 - 2pm (PT)
Saturday, November 9 – 8 - 2pm (PT)
Registration Policy
All presenters are required to register for the Annual Assembly (either in-person or virtually). If you are unable to do this yourself, you may have a colleague who is registered for the Assembly present your poster for you.
If the presenting author is someone other than you, they must be registered for the Annual Assembly. If you would like to change the presenting author, contact abstracts@aapmr.org. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.
AAPM&R does not waive meeting registration fees, nor reimburse travel and/or housing expenses for AAPM&R members and non-member physiatrists attending or speaking during AAPM&R’s Annual Assembly. Please be sure to register and pay for the Annual Assembly and any ticketed sessions you wish to attend.
Layout Format
- Heading - A heading for the top of the poster should be prepared indicating: (1) title, the same as that of the abstract submitted, (2) author(s), and (3) institutional affiliation of the author(s).
- Content - An abstract of your research should be included in the upper left corner of the poster board.
- Graphics - Graphic material, tables and illustrations should be as simple as possible. Numbers or arrows to indicate the viewing sequence are of great assistance to viewers. Photos should have a matte finish.
- Commercialism - Posters must avoid commercialism, promotion, or advertisement. Posters that are deemed to be commercial, promotional or an advertisement will removed from the website.
The abstract you submitted will be published in PM&R and will be distributed to all AAPM&R subscribers as well as all attendees of the Annual Assembly. A supplement of PM&R will be released electronically a few weeks prior to the Annual Assembly and will feature all abstracts. Abstracts will be copy-edited to conform with PM&R style and usage.
Embargo Policy: While abstracts will be released to PM&R subscribers, Annual Assembly attendees, and members of the media prior to the Annual Assembly, abstract content and any updated research cannot be promoted or reported until Thursday, November 16 after 8 am.
Contact the AAPM&R national office at (847) 737-6000 or email: abstracts@aapmr.org.
Faculty Engagement
Faculty are encouraged to build up anticipation for their session. Check back for some helpful resources coming soon!
Faculty Frequently Asked Questions
Who is my target audience?
At the AAPM&R Annual Assembly, you will be instructing general physiatrists, physical therapists and residents.
What if I have questions before the conference/once I’m at the conference?
Just ask! Prior to the conference, you may contact assembly@aapmr.org or call 847-737-6000. Once on-site, staff in the Speaker Ready Room will assist you with your presentation and connect with AAPM&R staff for any conference-related questions.
What if I have an emergency?
If you cannot attend but have a replacement speaker already in mind, please contact the education team at assembly@aapmr.org. Make sure to include the name, institution, email address and telephone number for your replacement.
Is there a room for faculty to prepare their presentation slides?
Yes, the AAPM&R offers a Speaker Ready Room with computer availability and internet access. Technical assistance is also available if needed. Please review the hours of operations listed above.
Will my session be evaluated?
Attendees have the option to evaluate your session in real time via the mobile app and AAPM&R's Online Learning Portal.