Members in the News

Members & Publications

Each week in Connection, your Academy highlights press coverage and advocacy efforts of our members. Using Google Alerts and notifications received directly from members, we compile the stories and share them with your peers.

Do you have a newsworthy story to share? Send us an email at: Please note: AAPM&R reserves the right to deny requests where the purpose or content may not be considered in the best interests of AAPM&R or its members.

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Stan Herring, MD, FAAPMR is the New Rep for the NCAA Concussion Advisory Group: In the News, September 12, 2018

Sep 14, 2018
  • Congratulations to Stan Herring, MD, FAAPMR, who will be the AAPM&R representative for the new NCAA Concussion Advisory Group. Your Academy has worked with the NCAA in the past to address concussion, football practice contact, mental health, independent medical care and more. This new advisory group will allow the NCAA to continue to address concussion in college student-athletes in a consensus- and evidence-based manner.

Do you have a newsworthy story to share with your peers? Send us an email at: Please note: AAPM&R reserves the right to deny requests where the purpose or content may not be considered in the best interests of AAPM&R or its members.