AAPM&R's Strategic Plan

About Us



Goal D: Enhancing Organizational Strength

The Academy’s resources are optimized to achieve organizational success.


  • Increase Academy membership to strengthen a unified specialty and provide resources for critical initiatives 
  • Enhance product portfolio that members value and utilize 
  • Expand leadership development initiatives to advance committed, high-quality future leaders for the Academy
  • Attract, nurture, and support staff with the skills and experience required to ensure continued organizational success
  • Assure wise stewardship of Academy fiscal resources
    • Improve organizational efficiency and resource management 
    • Maintain sound financial performance from operations
    • Diversify sources of financial support to achieve long-term sustainability (corporate/outside support; balance of dues and non-dues revenue)
    • Maintain reserves consistent with the goals of the Academy, to guarantee its long-term viability 

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If you have questions about the strategic plan, contact the Academy national office at info@aapmr.org.