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Advocacy Action Center: Let's Finally Repeal the SGR Formula! Take Action Now to Ensure Passage in the U.S. Senate

Apr 13, 2015

With your continued support, we can finally repeal the SGR formula. Although we do not have much time, it is still possible for H.R. 2, the "Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act," to pass both chambers of Congress before physician cuts occur.

The Administration can only hold claims until this Wednesday, April 15, which is why the U.S. Senate must act now by bringing H.R. 2 for a vote without delay. If the U.S. Senate fails to act, these payment cuts will have real-life consequences by putting patients at serious risk of not getting the care they deserve.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2 by a substantial bipartisan margin - 392 to 37 before the April Recess. We must continue to focus all of our efforts on ensuring the U. S. Senate will do the same.

You, your Academy's Health Policy and Legislation Committee members, and all of organized medicine have made this a top priority for years, and we need your help again today. Please take a moment to send a customizable email asking your Senators to make voting "yes" on H.R. 2 a priority when Congress returns to session. You can also call your Senators using the AMA's toll-free Grassroots Hotline: 1-800-833-6354.


Template Letter

Fix Medicare Now – Vote “YES” on H.R. 2

As you know, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 2, the "Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act," by a substantial bipartisan margin - 392 to 37.  Now, I am urging you to vote "yes" on H.R. 2 when the Senate returns from April recess.

We must stay committed to repealing the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and work to build the momentum necessary to pass legislation that will repeal the SGR and enact Medicare physician payment reform.

Congress cannot afford to abandon this critical issue. Congress must work with America's physicians and finally repeal the SGR formula. Let's move toward a Medicare program that supports physicians for providing high-quality, patient-centered health care.